Absolute Fitness and Personal Training
ABsolute Fitness & Personal Training was opened in 1999 with a strong emphasis on developing the fitness of our local community.
ABsolute Fitness & Personal Training provides a comfortable atmosphere that focuses on active, healthy living for individuals of all ages and fitness levels. We offer state-of-the-art equipment, a wide range of fitness classes, customized personal training and innovative, motivating programs designed to help you incorporate fitness into your life. Our professional and caring staff is eager to share their enthusiasm for fitness.
ABsolute Fitness & Personal Training specializes in personalized fitness training for everyone aged 15 to 80+ years, designing programs for beginners or lifelong fitness enthusiasts.
We are committed to offering our members the best facilities available. Our attention to personalized service will ensure that you reach any level of fitness you desire.
Improve your quality of life with physical fitness. Let us share our expertise as we guide you on your journey to optimum health.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
What Are They?
Our bodies are filled with hundreds of different types of bacteria. Some of these bacteria are bad and others, like
probiotics, are good. Probiotics,
meaning “pro-life”, promote a healthy digestive system and help reduce the growth of harmful bacteria. With over 400 different types of probiotics, it is important to remember that each good bacteria has a specific benefit for our bodies.
As mentioned, probiotics help to
promote a healthy digestive system. A healthy digestive system has been shown to have various benefits on other systems in our body. In particular, our immune system is boosted which helps protect against infection and assist in the
management of inflammation.
Reduction in cholesterol, decrease in the risk of certain cancers and an
increase in urinary and genital health have also been shown as benefits of
Dairy products are one of the primary sources of probiotics, for example
yogurt, fluid milk with added
probiotics, fermented milk and kefir. While probiotics supplements are available, be cautious as they are not regulated by the Food and Drug
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
5 Stretching Exercises to Relieve Stress
Here are five easy stretches that will help to relieve your stress and put a smile back on your face.
Stretching exercises should feel good not painful. When you begin these exercises, move slowly and take it easy. If you feel any pain, ease up. As you do these exercises more, you will develop greater flexibility and be able to stretch further.
Neck roll. When you are tense, you may start to feel tightness in your neck. An easy stretching exercise to address this tension is the neck roll. One of the best aspects of this exercise is that you can do it almost anywhere (if you don't mind a few quizzical stares) even at your desk or in your car. To start, sit up straight, but in a relaxed posture. Now roll your head as far as you comfortably can toward your right shoulder. Continue rolling your head in a circular motion to the back, then toward your left shoulder and back to the front. Continue this circular rolling motion for 15 seconds and then reverse and do it the other way. Do this for two minutes or until your neck feels relaxed and loose.
Toe touch. We all remember this stretching exercise from high school gym class. It is a classic because it is easy and effective. Stand straight in a relaxed position with your feet slightly apart. Bend at the waist and reach toward the floor with both hands. Bend as far as you can comfortably. If you can touch the floor, great. If not, don't worry about it, your back and leg muscles will benefit no matter how far you bend. If you do this stretching exercise regularly, your muscles will elongate and you'll be able to bend further in time.
Standing stretch. This is another easy but effective stretching exercise. Stand with you feet slightly apart in a relaxed posture with your arms hanging down in front of you and your thumbs hooked together. Slowly raise both arms straight up above your head. As you reach up, rise up on your toes. Hold this position for a few seconds, then, with your arms still above your head twist your torso as far as you can to the right (you should still be in an upright position). Hold this position for a few seconds then return to the center position, with your hands still above your head. Now twist as far as you can to the left, hold this position for a few seconds, return to the center position ,and finally lower your arms and your feet to the beginning position. Repeat two or three times. This is exercise stretches muscles in your arms, legs and back.
Side Stretch. Start this exercise by standing with your feet about a legs length apart and your arms held straight out (parallel to the floor) at your sides. Now turn your right foot out slightly and, while still facing forward, bend to the right at the waist, so that your right hand reaches down toward your right foot and your left arm rises into the air. Stretch as far as you can comfortably. Return to the starting position and repeat the stretching motion to the left. Repeat two or three times. This exercise stretches the rib muscles and will help to tone the legs.
Foot and toes exercises. If you are on your feet a lot, stretching exercises for your feet and toes will help to relieve stress. Start by sitting down. Stretch your legs out with your heels on the ground. Now flex your right ankle raising the front of your foot from the floor. Hold this position for a few seconds and return your foot to the floor. Do the same with your left foot. Repeat several times with each foot and both feet. Another foot stretch is to twirl each foot in a circular movement with the heel on the ground. A good toe stretch is to lift the fronts of your feet slightly with your heels on the floor. Now stretch your toes as far as you can toward the ceiling, hold, then stretch them as far as you can toward the floor. Repeat several times.
www.deepsloweasy.com, Deep Slow Easy
Monday, January 11, 2010
Battle Stress with these Foods
prevent stress from taking over.
When good carbohydrates are
consumed our brain releases a chemical called serotonin. Serotonin is known as the “feel good” hormone as it helps to relax us. Oatmeal, a good
carbohydrate, is high in fiber and takes longer to digest, which in turn helps your body to release a steady flow of
Filled with vitamin C, oranges may be beneficial in lowering blood pressure and cortisol (a stress hormone) levels at a quicker rate. In addition vitamin C is a helps to boost our immune system.
Protecting against heart disease isn’t the only thing that Omega-3 fatty acids can do. They’ve been shown to help maintain levels of cortisol and
adrenaline. In addition to salmon, mackerel, herring and light tuna are rich in Omega-3s. Don’t like fish? Try other foods that are fortified with DHA, like eggs and yogurt.
Rich in magnesium, spinach can help lower your stress levels. Also, many times a lack of magnesium can cause fatigue and trigger migraine headaches.
Don’t forget to visit our website www.absolutefit.ca
Friday, January 8, 2010
Make your New Years Resolutions STICK
Every New Year many people decide that they need to change their lives. New Year’s resolutions are often decided upon at this time but many people fail to stick with the program. Those that decide to quit smoking or drinking or to lose excess weight and take on a healthier lifestyle may not even see January out before they slip back into old habits again
January is the most popular time of the year to start a new exercise program. We've all done it, year after year - make resolutions for ourselves, stick to it for a few months, days or sometimes just hours and become disappointed when we fail. So, this time, instead of failing again, what can you do so that you stick to your resolutions?
Here's how to make your New Years Resolutions stick:
1.Firstly, choose only items based on YOUR priorities,i.e., don't quit anything because someone else wants you to.
2.Be realistic in your choices, i.e., “winning the lottery” is totally outside of your control.
3.Be specific in what you plan to do, i.e., NOT “I will lose weight;” to maybe “I will limit my calories to only 1700 daily.”
4.For anything ambitious, consider breaking up goals into small steps, i.e., NOT “I will become a millionaire.”
5.Resolve any potential conflicts; say you want to quit smoking BUT smoking eases work stress – decide how else to ease your stress.
How successful you'll be with your New Years Resolutions, as with many goals, depends on your attitude, but keep in mind – you have a whole year to make the differences in your life. In just a short time by achieving your 'Resolutions goals your lifestyle will be enriched – you'll feel a stronger sense of control & self-worth.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
ABsolute's News
Heat it up with Latin aerobic fitness! Join the party!
Location: Wilmot Recreation Centre
Tuesday January 12 @ 6:30pm
Thursday January 28 @ 6:30pm
Thursday February 18 @ 7:30pm
Call now - space is limited!
The routines feature interval training sessions where fast and slow rhythms, and resistance training are combined to tone and sculpt your body while burning fat. Add some Latin flavor and international zest into the mix and you've got Zumba!